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Scott Stringer, Endorsed By Former Controllers, Says He Would Have Fired Eliot Spitzer


Scott Stringer to Eliot Spitzer: You’re fired!
A day after ex-Gov. and Controller hopeful Spitzer said he didn’t think Anthony Weiner should be mayor – and would fire a city employee who sexted on government computers – Stringer said a hooker-happy worker like Spitzer should also get the boot.

“I would have fired Eliot Spitzer. He couldn’t work in my office,” he said.

He blasted Spitzer’s remarks on his fellow scandal-scarred pol as hypocritical.

“I thought Eliot’s comments about Anthony was the height of hypocrisy,” he said.

“It does rival his hypocrisy on campaign finance reform, and it also rivals the two sets of rules that we seem to be operating under. There’s the Eliot Spitzer set of rules that says I don’t have to release my taxes for five years. I don’t have to participate in the campaign finance program. I can lecture others, but I don’t have to hold myself accountable. And then there are the rules for everybody else. The working people of this city who are struggling to make it. And I think we should be operating under one set of rules in this city.”

Stringer made the comments after getting the endorsement of three former city and state controllers – Carl McCall, Liz Holtzman, and Harrison Goldin – who made a point of praising his “integrity” and “judgment.”

“We’re here to say that Scott Stringer has what it takes to be the next controller of the city of New York,” said McCall. “He has ethics, integrity, and trust.”

Only Goldin, who was city controller in the 1970s and 80s, attacked Spitzer explicitly – and like Mayor Bloomberg, his objection was to Spitzer’s aggressive stance against Wall Street.

“This is no time to declare war on Wall Street. This is a time to enlist that critical industry on which so many New Yorkers depend for their jobs and livelihood in a cooperative effort to move the city forward,” he said.