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When it comes to carbs, it's all about quality and portions.<br/>
Matthew Mead/AP
When it comes to carbs, it’s all about quality and portions.

The truth about carbs may be hard to swallow, but some nutrition experts say they’re an important part of a healthy diet.

“Carbs are very important,” nutrition consultant Karen Ansel told the Daily News. “They provide the fuel that your brain and muscles run on.”

Another dietitian and founder of Nutritious Life, Keri Glassman, said people’s perception of carbohydrates is often misguided.

“They forget they’re found in other kinds of places other than bread and pasta,” she said.

So, when it comes to the proper carb intake, here are a few handy tips to follow.

Eat carbs, really

“Half of your total calories for the day should come from carbs,” said Lisa Moskovitz, dietitian and CEO of NY Nutrition Group.

While eating too many carbohydrates can increase the body’s insulin production — boosting appetite and fat storage, which lead to weight gain — cutting carbs out of your diet entirely is counterproductive.

“I think that most people go overboard with trying to restrict carbs thinking that it’s going to help them lose weight faster,” Moskovitz said. “While it might be effective short term, it’s not a sustainable approach and often ends up in failure.”

Also, carbs are everywhere.

“They’re in fruit, starchy vegetables, potatoes, corn, peas and beans,” Moskovitz said. “The majority of the fiber in our diet comes from carbs.”

Adding that fiber regulates appetite and can even fight diseases like colon cancer.

Slow is good

There two types of carbs: simple and complex.

The former are digested quickly and spike blood sugar, giving you a temporary energy boost.

“You feel great for about half an hour and then you feel worse,” Ansel said.

They also tend to travel with a lot of empty calories — like the ones in candy bars, ice cream and juice — that leave people feeling hungry later on, she added.

Complex carbs, on the other hand, take more time and energy to digest. Ansel’s favorites are sprouted grain bread and black bean pasta.

“Beans are a terrific source of complex carbohydrates and fiber,” Ansel said. “The perfect way to get healthy carbs.” They’re also rich in potassium, which Ansel said is sorely lacking in most people’s diets.

Control your portions

Portions are just as important as the type of carbs you’re eating, according to Moskovitz. She said the average adult doesn’t need more than one cup of cooked rice or pasta daily, especially if you have a desk job or don’t exercise often. Get the rest of your carbs from fruits, greens, starchy vegetables, milk products, grains and legumes.

Eat, don’t drink, your fruits and vegetables

If you’re getting your carbs from fruit, opt for whole fruit instead of juice and smoothies. “Whole fruit has fiber and the fiber slows the digestion and counteracts the effects of sugar,” Ansel said. The same goes for veggies.

Check labels

Moskivtz said the problem with most wheat pasta out there is it isn’t 100 percent whole wheat.

The same goes for whole grain bread and cereal. All you need to do is check the label.

Make sure that the first ingredient listed is 100% whole wheat or grain. The more processed and refined the fewer minerals, vitamins and protein, she said. And be wary of gluten-free products.

“Just because it’s gluten-free doesn’t mean it’s healthier,” Ansel said.

Gluten is a protein that makes food chewy. It’s what makes bread fluffy and light.

“When food manufacturers take that out they have to put things in,” she said. “Because gluten makes things taste better they have to add more salt, sugar and fat.”

If you have to eat gluten-free, it’s best to stick to unprocessed food like sweet potatoes, brown rice and quinoa. She said baked potatoes topped with Greek yogurt are nutritious and delicious.

Glassman said it’s best to stay away from processed food all together, sticking to quinoa instead of quinoa pasta, whole grains instead of whole grain breads.

Don’t beat yourself up

“Indulge in a conscious manner,” Glassman said. “If you want that bowl of pasta, make sure you’re having protein and veggies as well.”

Don’t go overboard, but if you spring for a cupcake now and then there’s no need to spiral into depression. “If you make 80 percent of your carbs complex carbs that’s perfect,” Moskovitz said.