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New York Daily News


Don’t have the time to read “Anna Karenina”? Don’t even have the time to read the back cover of “Anna Karenina”? Then you’re in the right place!

Enjoy our comprehensive GIF guide to Leo Tolstoy’s classic novel of morality and society whenever you need to prepare for a fancy intellectual party, freshen up the literary references in your OkCupid profile, or just convince your parents that the $120,000 they spent on your English degree wasn’t a waste.

Remember: “Happy families all LOL alike; every unhappy family LOLs in its own way”

1. Once there was a woman who was

2. She was there to persuade her sister-in-law to take back her brother, even though he

3. While she was there, she met a man and they

(Even though she was totally married)

4. Then she remembered that she was married and

5. But he still

6. And eventually they

7. But then…!

Something bad happened to the horse!

8. And then she

9. And then he tried to

10. And then they ran off to Europe, but everyone there said

11. So then she

12. And then she

13. And then she

And ultimately, everyone decided that the city was a corrupting influence separating man from his true nature (I think).

Gabrielle Moss‘s work has appeared on, Jezebel, The Hairpin, The Toast, Nerve, Thought Catalog, and elsewhere